CREDO Study: Charter public school students outperform their traditional public school peers.

Stanford University: Concept Schools is a Gap-Busting CMO
charter students outperform traditional public school students
Stanford University's Center for Research on Educational Outcomes (CREDO) released its first comprehensive study on charter schools in 2009. The initial National Charter School Study (NCSS) was an objective report on how charter schools struggled to demonstrate national success. Its second report in 2013 indicated that pockets of charter schools exceeded academic expectations. The third installment was released in June 2023, and the results proved very positive for charter schools. 

NCSS3 examined the academic progress of students enrolled in charter schools (like all Concept network schools) compared with the progress of students enrolled in traditional public schools (TPS). Positive results are not only present in the aggregate but also across student race/ethnicity groups and special populations:
  • Black and Hispanic students in charter schools advance more than their TPS peers by large margins in math and reading.
  • Charter school students in poverty had stronger growth.
  • English-language learner students attending charter schools had stronger growth.
CREDO reported that charter schools associated with charter management organizations like Concept Schools outperform independently run charter schools.

More than 1,000 charter schools have eliminated learning disparities for their students and moved their achievement ahead of their state's average performance. CREDO refers to these schools as "gap-busting" charter schools. They provide strong empirical proof that high-quality education is possible anywhere. 

More critically, dozens of CMOs, including Concept Schools, have created these results across their portfolios, demonstrating the ability to scale equitable education that can change lives.
CREDO recognized Concept as a gap-busting CMO. 