Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services

Describe how it will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff.

Mitigation strategies: The plan should include a description of the mitigation strategies that the LEA will implement to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19. This includes measures such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, hand hygiene, ventilation, and cleaning and disinfection.

Monitoring and screening: The plan will describe how the LEA monitors and screens students, educators, and other staff for COVID-19 symptoms, and how it responds if someone tests positive for the virus.

Communication and collaboration: The plan describes how the LEA will communicate with families, educators, and other staff about the health and safety measures in place, and how it will collaborate with local health departments and other partners to ensure a coordinated response to COVID-19.

Continuity of services: The plan describes how the LEA ensures continuity of services, including special education services, for students who are not able to attend in-person instruction due to COVID-19-related reasons. This includes remote learning options and other accommodations.

Training and support: The plan describes how the LEA will provide training and support to educators and other staff on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation strategies, as well as on the use of any new technologies or procedures that may be implemented as part of the plan.


Describe any policies -- and the extent to which the LEA has adopted such policies-- on each of the prevention and mitigation strategies recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Mask-wearing: The LEA describes its policy on mask-wearing, including whether masks are required for all students, educators, and other staff, and under what circumstances they may be removed. The policy aligns with the CDC's current guidance on masks.

Physical distancing: The LEA describes its policy on physical distancing, including how it will ensure that students, educators, and other staff maintain at least 3 feet of distance from each other in classrooms and other shared spaces.

Hand hygiene: The LEA describes its policy on hand hygiene, including how it will encourage and support frequent hand-washing or use of hand sanitizer among students, educators, and other staff.

Ventilation: The LEA describes its policy on ventilation, including how it will ensure that classrooms and other shared spaces are well-ventilated, with sufficient fresh air and proper air filtration.

Cleaning and disinfection: The LEA describes its policy on cleaning and disinfection, including how it will ensure that classrooms and other shared spaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected, with a focus on high-touch surfaces.


Describe how it will ensure continuity of services, which must address academic needs of students and social, emotional, mental health, and other needs of students and staff, and which may include student health and food services.

Academic needs: The LEA addresses the academic needs of students who are not able to attend in-person instruction due to COVID-19-related reasons. This includes providing remote learning options, such as synchronous or asynchronous online learning, or other accommodations, such as providing instructional materials and support for independent study.

Social, emotional, and mental health needs: The LEA describes how it will address the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students who may have experienced trauma, stress, or anxiety as a result of the pandemic. This includes providing counseling and mental health services, creating safe and supportive learning environments, and offering opportunities for social and emotional learning.

Other needs: The LEA describes how it addresses other needs of students and staff, such as access to student health and food services. This may include providing school-based health services, such as vaccinations, screenings, and medical care, as well as providing access to meals and nutrition programs, such as free or reduced-price meals.


Regularly, but no less frequently than every six months (taking into consideration the timing of significant changes to CDC guidance on reopening schools), review and, as appropriate, revise its plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services.

Seek and take public input into account in determining whether and what revisions are necessary.

Establish a timeline: The LEA establishes a timeline for regularly reviewing and revising its plan. This timeline should include a review at least every six months, as well as a plan for more frequent reviews in response to significant changes in CDC guidance or other public health conditions.

Identify responsible parties: The LEA identifies the individuals or groups responsible for conducting the reviews and revisions. This may include a designated task force, school leadership team, or other stakeholders.

Gather public input: The LEA seeks public input from parents, students, educators, and other stakeholders to determine whether and what revisions are necessary. This includes surveys, focus groups, town hall meetings, or other forms of engagement.

Evaluate effectiveness: The LEA evaluates the effectiveness of its plan and determines whether it is achieving its intended goals. This includes analyzing data on student and staff attendance, academic progress, and health and safety metrics.

Revise the plan: Based on the review, input, and evaluation, the LEA revises its plan as needed to ensure the safety and well-being of students, educators, and other staff. The revised plan is communicated to all stakeholders, and any necessary updates should be made to policies, procedures, and training materials.